Jan 31, 2010

Sex and Theatrics

So me and my best partner were just talking about sex and women lol as usual. Then, we have both came up with the thing. You don't fall in love with dick or pussy. You fall in love with the theatrics of the situations. You even orgasm off the theatrics. He was saying he even when you're getting head from an "ugly chick" and she has sex traits (big lips, booty, etc)...its not the head..its the excitement of the sex traits ALWAYS. When someone goes back to a person for sex then its no cause their "sex" is good. It's the things they do and how they make u feel. The sex in itself doesn't capture you. A dude can have a big dick and a female still won't orgasm if she doesn't like him or the things he does around her. If a guy doesn't have sex often, of course he's going to think a girl pussy is good for the simple fact that he's not getting it on the regular. She might be the only girl he's had in a min so that's he thinks she's the best. It's the same with women, if she's only had sex with one guy of course she's going to think he's the best because he was her first so she has nothing else to compare him. The only reason she'll go back to him is because he was her first and that is the theatrics surrounding it. Its not the sex at all. Sex is so mental its ridiculous. When a guy meets a chick, and they have sex in a matter of hours or a day. It's not the sex, its cause he had sex with her that fast. All of this came to me because my ex said she KNOWS i was the best sex she had when honestly she was not. It was ok but it was the bond we had that made it good and my feelings for her. It was mental stimulation that I got front her.

Jan 13, 2010


"New Year..New Things" It has always been the saying and with good reason. I'm not bring the same thing from my past into this year. I figure if I don't change now..I probably never will. It's not that I'm stubborn, I'm just determined to achieve my goals. I rather be the smoker than get the second hand benefits. Basically, I'm saying if you're going to do something do it all the way or not at all. Take the good and bad of a situation. Everything needs balance. No exceptions. Honestly I been in school..just writing papers..and doing things I already know how to do. Not going to drop out but like the Bible says "A man's gift makes room for him". I dislike when people think education is the key to success. Please don't misunderstand. I believe in education but if it was the key to success then everyone with degrees and a PH.D. would be financially secure and happy. I know plenty of people who hate going to work Monday mornings that have degrees and are in their field. One of my best friends, he graduated from school in '06 with a degree in Computer Arts..basically graphic designing and video and all. He got a job when he came out of school and then he lost it like a few months later (company downsizing). He hasnt had a job since BUT he still has ALOT of clients and still does the same thing he was doing at the company and is making more doing freelance work. That alone made me believe that your gift will make a way

Jan 3, 2010


Have you ever stayed in the shower so long cause u felt like you problems were washing down the drain with the water? I just spent 30-40 minutes just standing there. As easy as it is for me to rid myself of my problems..I don't want to be an asshole about it. This is strange because it's easy for me to be one. Every time I know I have problems I just think about people who have it worse than I do. I'm living, breathing, & have everything I need not want. It's funny how you can lead a group of people and make a decision with the snap of a finger but when it comes to your own life it's the hardest decision EVER. A perfect example with music, I can probably tell you any song or sound I hear and how to manipulate it to fit anything. I've always been sure of what I wanted to do since I hit 16. I've fairly master the art of DJ'ing because I personally feel like no one is better than me. I know how to sing but its not a passion for me. The only reason I ever done cause it amuses females. I played the guitar for a little bit and as much as I loved it..still not the passion but I love it. Now by saying this, I'm learning that you can love someone but not have a passion for them. If I don't feel that someone consistently loves me..I lose my passion to see them or be around them. It just always click in my head, If I can't love a woman with mind and heart then I cant love her. All your dick does is reinforce the love you have with your mind and heart. I wonder do people notice how different sex is when you love someone compared to when you just fucking someone? I doubt it. Some can't even tell the difference between good sex and bad sex.