Dec 4, 2009

My 40 days situation

Ok so Im still in this no sex activity for 40 days and nights. As hard as this has been, it also made realize a lot of things about myself and the women I choose to deal with. The other day I slipped but I didn't break. I unintentionally stiffed arm this girl and I was truly sorry for doing it but I only have 14 days left and I didn't come that far to quit. I honestly didn't have any feelings for her. The past times we did things and my emotions were not attached to it at all. I think her feelings were attached and I did my best to explain my situation to her and she said "I think you have a girl but just don't want to tell me." So after saying no again. She left & I don't think I'm going to talk to her again because I never really was attracted to her. She just had sex traits. For those that do not know sex traits are: nice booty, lips, hips, etc., etc. I been on a dates with these two women. The 1st date sucked cause she was cute no doubt but couldn't keep my interest for more than a few seconds. I was tweeting and texting all night. I still don't understand how you can be that cute but personality suck ass. UGH! shit disgusts me. The second date was pretty cool we went to this pottery place and made pottery and got to paint it. She was easy to talk to but I feel like she fell right into a friend slot because I feel any attraction between us. No spark at all but she is cool as hell. This 40 day thing has its up and down cause I'm cool one day but the next 3 or 4 days I feel like I'm 12 years old again and its my 1st time seeing girls with bodies. UGHHHH! that felt R. Kelly-ish so scratch that thought. Its been plenty of times I been like "fuck this..Im fucking tonight" but then I notice I have people who don't actually expect me to finish and some that are cheering me to the finish line. My ego kicks in and I hate feeling like I gave up on something soooooo I'm definitely finishing

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